Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015


These are unique pieces of pineapple or pineapple. If any cob pineapple generally only produce one piece, not so with pineapple-owned H Aziz Abu Bakar village residents Alue Buket, District lhoksukon.

Villagers Alue Buket, Bahtiar, said his friend showed pictures of the fan-shaped pineapple pieces via mobile phone. At first he thought it was just engineering or edits.
"I hesitated when I saw a picture of pineapple, I guess it just edits it. When my friends say the location of the pineapple, I immediately went out of curiosity. It is true, there is a fan-shaped pineapple with dozens hump, "he said.

Bahtiar said, already crowded residents who came to see the pineapple fruit. Even many who perpetuate the image with a camera or mobile phone.

"Pineapple seedlings planted at all, nothing different. He also wondered why one of them nodular lot with a fan shape. We'll see how the next harvest time, "said Bahtiar quoting H Aziz Abu Bakar.

Keuchik Village Alue Buket, Sulaiman confirmed the fan-shaped pineapple fruit that grows in one of the gardens in their communities. "Pineapple was very unique, was the first time I saw it. Today many Lhoksukon District residents who asked about the truth of the pineapple, "he explained.

Pineapple stems that look the same as other pineapple stem, which has a long and thorny leaves at the ends. What distinguishes only the fruit that resembles a fan.

As is known, pineapple comes from the Latin America or Brazil. People usually use the pineapple as one serving of fruit salad, candied or otherwise.

Pineapple are also often used as a drug for women who missed period. However, the pineapple also has an influence that is not good for the body because it can lead to arthritis.

For pregnant women, the pineapple also can reduce high blood pressure. Pregnant women can take it if you use a certain dose and have consulted with a doctor.

Besides pineapple also can make more powerful digestion, prevent the formation of cancer cells, strengthen the immune system and can reduce stress because it contains serotonin. For diabetics, the pineapple is not recommended because it contains a high sugar content.

Unique and Delicious! Strawberries Color White

Strawberries, fruit-shaped small cute nan is usually red in color with small seeds of black that adorn the outside of the fruit. But unlike the strawberries in general, this strawberry fruit has a

different color.

As reported by the Strawberryplants.org, Tuesday (22/04/2014), there are now new types of strawberries are not less pretty and petite. Different from strawberries in general, is white strawberry seeds decorate with red leather. Because the color is white and cute shape, strawberry is then given the nickname 'Snow White'.

Strawberries with white color is named Pineberry which is a blend between the name of pineapple and strawberry, while the fruit is the result of crossbreeding between classes and pineapple strawberry Fragaria ananassa resulting in a strong pineapple flavor.

Page Theguardian.com also wrote, Pineberry is derived from a hybrid plant species of wild South America called Fragaria Cholonsis which also grows in parts of North America. This plant into the types of crops grown during the summer.

The fruit is a fruit native to South America, but was developed and introduced by farmers from Germany since 2009 for commercial purposes and sent to retailers for sale to the fruit shops.

Snow White strawberries for sale is priced at USD 4.50 to 7.99, or about Rp 50,000 - Rp 88,000 for 125 grams. You can also buy strawberries is online at sites like eBay selling.

Unique, Citrus Fruit Shaped It Segi Lima, Want to Try?

Citrus, fruit rich in vitamin C is very popular in Indonesia. Citrus fruit harvest is not limited to a particular season, so its presence is easily obtainable. The price was not too expensive, in traditional markets you can find an assortment of citrus fruit with varied prices.

Generally, oranges are round but different from those in Japan, this citrus fruit in the form of a pentagon. Orange pentagon was called Gokakukei Iyokan, which means orange pentagon summer. This unique fruit shape makes a lot of people interested in a taste of fruit flavored unwelcome mosquitoes.

Reporting from rocketnews24, Japan succeeded in the creation of an orange shape unique. With a pentagon, a citrus fruit that is not unusual in the world.
To make the orange pentagon shape, you can do it. The trick for the last five-sided prints mounted on citrus fruits that grow in accordance with the mold.
Besides vitamin C is beneficial for the body, pentagon-shaped orange is believed as a benefit to those who consume them.

Japan is the country that most creatively transformed into a unique variety of foods, including fruits. Orange pentagon is not the first and only one in Japan. Earlier, the country never made a heart-shaped watermelon cubes.

The more unique fruit shape is made and the more quality then the price would be more expensive. What unique orange pentagon, of course it is more expensive than regular orange without unique shape.

This orange is actually more like a mandarin orange. Just different forms of the usual round mandarin oranges as citrus fruits in general.
Then came the curious question, who the creative people behind the creation of the unique orange?

There is no clarity who started the first making orange pentagon shape. Japanese farmers make orange pentagon in the summer when they are bored with the orange oval.

Brilliant idea began to form a pentagon orange began to emerge, and they managed to make 300 oranges are ready to be marketed in the local market. After a uniquely shaped, orange pentagon is more and more popular.

How, if you are interested to try it?